ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Criminal Mischief

Jason A. Steinberger is an elite Criminal Mischief Defense Lawyer & PL 145.00 Defense Lawyer

Former New York Criminal Prosecutor

Former Assistant District Attorney

Former Adjunct Law Professor

What Is Criminal Mischief / Penal Law 145.00

If you were allegedly vandalizing, damaging, breaking or destroying another person’s possessions or property, you could be charged with, or criminal mischief in the ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø. Common forms of criminal mischief include any alteration, destruction, damage or defacement of property or possessions. Graffiti is a visible form of criminal mischief that could result in a charge. If you or your loved one has been charged with criminal mischief, you need an experienced ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Criminal Mischief Defense Attorney to protect your rights.

There are many cases where juveniles are involved in these types of crimes. Jason Steinberger can represent your children in either Family Court or in Criminal Court. With Jason A. Steinberger handling your case, you can always trust that he will zealously work on your case to protect you from a criminal record.

What are the differences in ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Criminal Mischief Cases?

Criminal mischief in the fourth degree – could be charged if you intentionally damage another person’s property.

Criminal mischief in the third degree – could be charged if you intentionally cause more than $250 in damage to another person’s property.

Criminal mischief in the second degree – could be charged if you intentionally cause more than $1500 in damage to another person’s property.

Criminal mischief in the first degree – could be charged if you intentionally cause damage to another person’s property by means of an explosive.

If you are convicted of one of the above forms of criminal mischief, you could face anywhere from less than a year to 25 years imprisonment. You could also face anywhere from a class A misdemeanor to a class B felony on your record, depending upon the circumstances of your case.

ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø Criminal Mischief Defense Lawyer

If you or a loved one is facing criminal mischief charges, you will get the help you deserve with ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø criminal attorney, Jason A. Steinberger handling your case. Mr. Steinberger has the legal skills and knowledge to get you the best results.